The compass

At the moment of preparing this new blog, I have several objectives but only one compass: respect. It might sound a bit theatrical but this should be a serious website and I think it is fair to let you know by what rules I want to live in this digital space.

Respect for your time - It is precious and with the mass of contents available today, I appreciate that you spend some by reading my words and I'll do my best to provide something interesting, varied, of value, entertaining or fun - or a combination of all those things.

Respect for your intelligence - I come across a lot of interesting things and I want to share some. Ideas, blogs, concepts, jokes, philosophies, a bit of everything but always interesting. If you are like minded, I hope you will appreciate it and if not, may be it will change your perspective. I can't guarantee that you'd like everything I'll post and it is ok. 

Respect for your ideas - This is my blog and my idea is to create a community of readers and interact with you. Don't worry, if you prefer being a silent reader, this is totally fine. But if you are wanting to interact, discuss, exchange, this is more than welcome. I have enough ego to start this but not enough to want to preach in a digital desert.

Respect for your privacy - This should be an obvious thing but it is better to make it clear. If you fill-up a form, trust me with data, I won't share it and even less sell it, this is not the idea here.


Runway arrows

That being said, my plan for this website is to share. Ideas, opinions, all sorts of contents on all sorts of topics: business, aviation, being a CEO, leadership (even if I don't really like how this word is often misused those days), lifestyle and life hacks, travel tips, ... all what makes me being myself. And always with respect for you and hoping to either make you think, broaden your view on the world, stop for a second and have a ah-ha moment or simply make you smile and possibly make your day.

One of my ex-bosses once told me that plans are only good to measure how wrong they were afterwards - and he was right. I have quite a clear idea of the type of contents I'd like to share but not so much about how. Will this remain a blog? Turn into a podcast? A book? Something else? Only time will tell.

Sounds good? Then register to be informed when things will start!